Future Programme of Events:
The following events are happening locally, some of which the UEC will be attending with the stall, others are presented for information.
Saturday 30th November - Continuing our 40th Anniversary celebrations, the United Enthusiasts Club are having a second joint meeting with the Omnibus Society. The late-Roy Marshall had a long career in the bus industry and was well-known for management roles in the municipal sector. Roy was also an enthusiast and photographer, and The Bus Archive has recently acquired his collection. Within this, there are numerous photos of United vehicles over a considerable period. Many are widely unseen and are described as “splendid shots”, from early-postwar until bus deregulation forty years later.
Nigel Eggleton will present a selection of these from 1pm at North Road Methodist Church Hall, 28 North Rd, Durham DH1 4SG.
It is an excellent basis for a UEC members social - why not join us at this convenient location? It is readily accessible by public transport from all parts of the region, and attendance is free of charge for members of either society.
Saturday 30th November [Note revised date] - ADBPS open day at their Newton Aycliffe premises.